Monday, 16 May 2011

The start of the journey

So, this is me, a newbie to the world of HR. And I'm blogging. Why?

Because I think it will be interesting for me to write about the things that I learn, or that strike me as strange, in order to help me to understand this new world. It's kind of like writing notes to help myself remember facts as part of the revision process (except that as far as I know, there's not going to be an exam at the end of this!). But I'm also hoping that others will comment and help me to figure things out along the way.

So, here I am at the start of my journey. And I have to tell you it's strange, standing here, looking out at these unchartered waters and trying to understand what might lie ahead. I mean, I reckon that most of the concepts that I'm going to come across in HR won't be totally unfamiliar to me (yup, I'm possibly being naive) after more than ten years working in a variety of organisations, and being on the 'receiving end' (so to speak) of HR. But I reckon that there's a whole load of jargon to learn, a whole bunch of processes that I've never really thought about before, lots of interesting and influential people to meet (virtually or in person) and lots of viewpoints that I've never considered before.

I want to pick things up as quickly as possible, so I'll be doing a lot of reading, and letting you know about interesting and note-worthy things I find along the way.

If there are any other newbies to the HR world out there, please join me on the journey and let me know your thoughts - and of course I'd love to hear from experienced HR-ers too!

Thanks for reading, do let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    This is Nehal.

    I am a newbie in HR field, too. I also, thought to create a blog about my HR learning's; as a note book.

    But what a coincidence!! As the name HR Newbie drove me to your's blog. After going through your write-up, 'The start of the journey', I felt you wrote my mind. ;)

    But, I am glad to visit your blog; I wish you all the best for your journey.

    Hope we can learn HR stuffs together. Looking forward to connect with you. God blesses!!
